The Biggest Parenting Mistakes You're Probably Making

Do you sometimes judge the mistakes other parents are making? Does that make you wonder about your own mistakes? In learning how to be a better parent, it is important to recognize these common aspects of ineffective parenting:

shutterstock_123249778.jpgTalking Too Much

While it is important to explain clearly to children about right and wrong, psychologists warn that too often parents try to use words in the wrong way to discipline. Are you guilty of any of the following techniques?

  • Talking so much that kids tune you out.
  • Engaging in power struggles.
  • Not listening or respecting your children's side of the story.

Disciplining Ineffectively

Effective discipline uses clear rules, reasonable consequences, and calm but swift enforcement when the rules are broken. Do you sometimes find yourself doing this sort of ineffective discipline?

  • Nagging and giving multiple warnings.
  • Threatening discipline you won't carry out.
  • Using guilt and shame to get compliance.

Not Letting Kids Experience Failure

We are older and wiser and hate to see our kids fail or experience disappointment. Yet learning how to handle adversity is part of growing up to be responsible, independent adults. Do you ever:

  • Prioritize achievement over developing character through handling failure.
  • Avoid hearing negatives about your child.
  • Step in to prevent your child experiencing consequences.

Not Being the Parent

Loving your child means thinking about what they need, rather than what they want. It is hard to say "no" and have your child get angry, yet children left undisciplined are ultimately never happy. Do you struggle with:

  • Wanting to be your child's best friend, not their authority?
  • Worshipping your child and overestimating their abilities?
  • Projecting your own dreams onto your child?

Luckily, recognizing the problem is half the battle in avoiding common parenting mistakes like: talking too much, disciplining ineffectively, not letting your children experience failure, and not acting like a parent. How to be a better parent can include getting help from a preschool program like Kids Konnect where teachers can give you feedback about what your child needs. Which of these parenting mistakes do you struggle with most?