Pacifica Newsletter: August 2021

Hello Kids Konnect Pacifica Families!!
Good Morning Families, August is here—and we are ready to celebrate the sunshine and our school curriculum as we go through everything we’ve learned this year.

School News

We are updating our website! Please help us if you can by providing a testimonial of your experience in our program. We are always excited to share and spread the news about our fantastic preschool and teachers!

To celebrate August, our school will be having a spirit week! (August 23-27).

Monday: Sunshine Day! – celebrate Mr. Sun by wearing your sunniest clothing
Tuesday: Olympics Day! – come as your favorite Olympic sport or dress as an Olympian!
Wednesday: Work out Wednesday! – it’s time to exercise! – wear clothing that will have you ready to move!
Thursday: Masquerade Party! We will be sending home masks for you to decorate to come to school for our Masquerade Party!
Friday: Pajama Day!

As we move into August, I will be starting my new position as Regional Program Director. I wanted to thank our families, teachers, and our community as I will continue to direct our program in the interim while I train our new Director. Thank you for being patient during this transition.

Important Dates to recognize:

August 1: Friendship Day
August 9: Book Lover’s Day
August 21: Senior Citizen Day
August 22: National Tooth Fairy Day
August 26: Women’s Equality Day
September 2-3: Professional Development Day (School will be Closed).

Classroom News

In August, our classroom will be learning about and engaging in the solar system—the sun, the moon, the planets! We are so excited for our yearly activity in the exploration of space!

Looking Back

In July, we explored and spent a lot of our time outside, doing nature walks, and celebrating summer. Each class learned about Volcanos and had an exciting time engaging in science!