Child Development Activities and Tips Blog

Rest is Best! How Much Sleep Your Kids Need by Age

Written by Makinya Ward | Jan 19, 2016 5:00:00 PM

When your preschool age child has a meltdown at school, you may feel very frustrated. However, the solution may be simple. Maybe they just need more sleep. When a child gets enough sleep they behave better and are less prone to moodiness. Moreover, research suggests that getting enough sleep is foundational for a child to be healthy, alert, and able to learn. So parents need to make sleep a priority.

How much sleep does your child need?

Here is the recommended amount of total sleep (night and naptime) a child needs in a 24 hour period:

  • birth to 2 months: 10 to 18 hours
  • 2 months to 1 year: 14 to 15 hours
  • 1-3 years: 12-14 hours
  • 3-5 years: 11-13 hours
  • 5-12 years 10-11 hours

How to Help Your Child Get Enough Sleep

Establishing regular bedtimes and rituals help your child be ready to go to sleep. Children thrive on having a regular routine at bedtime and a few special moments with a parent. Here is a typical routine:

  • Take a bath and brush teeth.
  • Put on pajamas and get snuggled in bed with a favorite toy.
  • Read a story together.
  • Pull up covers and tuck in bed.
  • Say goodnight and leave.

Tips for Making Bedtime Easier

Children do better if they don't have screen time right before bed. Watching T.V. or playing video games stimulates the brain and can make it hard for kids to go to sleep. So it is a good idea to stop media time an hour or so before bed, especially if your child has trouble going to sleep. It also helps to make sure the temperature of the room is constant all night long. If your child has trouble sleeping, check out the activities on the Sleep for Kids website developed by the National Sleep Foundation.

Developing a good sleep schedule with enough sleep is important for your preschool age child's development, which is why Kids Konnect incorporates resting time in the daily schedule. What tips do you have for helping your child get enough sleep each day?