Child Development Activities and Tips Blog

Quick Quiz: Are You Raising a Future Leader?

Written by Makinya Ward | Jan 7, 2016 5:00:00 PM

Sometimes the playground can be an intimidating place. You hear parents bragging about their child's accomplishments and watch children who seem to be leaders of the pack. How can you know if you are doing a good job to help your child become a leader? Here is a quiz:

Are you giving your child a chance to make decisions?

Leaders need to know how to make choices and learn from the results. One way to help your child develop this ability is to give them many choices during the day about activities they will do. Rather than choosing their clothes every day, let them decide between two weather appropriate outfits. Have them decide who to invite over to play, or what to eat for lunch.

Does your child have opportunities to learn new things?

Preschools like Kids Konnect promote learning all day long. Parents can also help children learn by taking kids to libraries and museums, and involving children in learning daily tasks like cooking, laundry folding or planting flowers. Leaders are always learning new things and parents can help children become interested in being lifelong learners.

How often does your child get to solve problems with a team?

Leaders need to work with groups of people in order to do tasks. Give your child a chance to play in groups at preschool and on the playground and in your home. Instead of solving problems that come up during play, work with your child to help the group come up with a solution. Encourage children to do activities like building a fort and imaginary play that involves working together and creating.

Does your child know how to set goals and make plans?

Leaders look ahead. Help your child learn goal setting by letting them take care of an animal, involving them in helping raise money for a charity, or encouraging them to earn for something they want.

The truth is that a leader is made, not born, and parents can help teach their child leadership skills. Do you have ideas for helping develop leadership in children?