Child Development Activities and Tips Blog

10 Ways Kids Konnect Keeps Parents Involved in Their Child's Education

Written by Kids Konnect Preschools | Jan 27, 2022 9:07:16 AM

Kids Konnect involves parents in their child’s preschool day to day life. We believe that communication is very important and is crucial in creating a positive relationship and building trust. Parents get to see how their children are learning, progressing, interacting and enjoying preschool. 

Our many communicative tools invite moms and dads to share the experience with their little one. Get to know the ten ways that Kids Konnect talks to parents to ensure that they are very involved in their time at preschool. 

1. Sharing Regular Photographs With Parents



It is reassuring to receive photographs of your little one at preschool. By using Google Photos, we share images of your children enjoying their day as well as their significant achievements. Moms and dads can get a little glimpse into preschool life and feel at ease whilst at work. 

2. Creating Blog Content 

Blog posts are an amazing way for preschools to share ideas and resources for parents to easily access. Personally, our content varies from creative activities for all the family to advice for choosing preschools and any changes happening at our Bay Area schools. Kids Konnect regularly updates our blog so it is worth checking our website for the latest news and tips. 

3. Posting to Social Media


Make sure you follow us on our Facebook and Instagram. It’s the perfect way for parents to get a feel for our Bay-Area preschools and the way your child will learn. We post to our social media accounts to showcase the fun and educational activities that take place in and out of the classroom. From singing nursery rhymes to painting the changing seasons to releasing butterflies, there’s so much fun to be had. Every image that we post online always has the family’s permission. 

4. Hosting Parent Teacher Conferences

Spend a little more time with your child’s preschool teacher at your scheduled parent teacher conference meeting. We discuss how your little one is interacting in the classroom and their approach to tasks. It’s the perfect chance to ask any questions and have a conversation that can expand on the daily logs and communication tools. It’s a great part of our job, getting to know the parents and sharing their child’s milestones with them. 

5. Building Portfolios for Each Child 



Portfolios allow you to see your child’s progress throughout the year, all in one place. We can’t think of a better way for parents to review their little ones development than a resource that contains actual samples of their work. We ensure that our portfolio’s are well organised and thorough so that moms and dads have the opportunity to visually see their child’s growth that year. 

6. Organizing Holiday Concerts

One of our favorite ways to involve you in your child’s preschool life is inviting you to one of our holiday concerts. It’s such a fun experience for little ones to experience and spotting their moms and dads in the audience is one of the best parts. Of course, parents also love watching their children perform. 

7. Arranging a Graduation Ceremony 



Graduation is a memorable experience for all the family and it’s important to celebrate this milestone. Parents are so proud of their little one and all they have achieved, as are the teachers. We feel it is the perfect opportunity to invite mums and dads to be part of the journey and help everyone prepare for the next chapter. 

8. Sending Emails

Keeping our parents up to date with the latest news is very important. We want you to be fully aware if we have to close early or a teacher calls in sick. We send regular emails informing you of any upcoming changes and developments. Make sure your Bay Area preschool has a way to contact you so that you can make arrangements if something unexpected happens that day. 

9. Planning Spirit Weeks 


Encouraging parents to dress their children to match a theme is another way for them to get involved in preschool activities. Children get excited for spirit week and may ask to arrive at class in pajamas or wear colorful, patterned socks. Parents get to spend time with their children organizing how they will dress that day. Trust us, it’s so much fun for everyone involved!

10. Writing Newsletters for Each School 

Each of our schools and centers writes a monthly newsletter to ensure you know in advance of any changes that may be happening, the curriculum for that month and what the preschoolers have been up to. Monthly newsletters that are unique to each school allow for moms and dads to find out all the information they need in one place that they can refer back to. 


We would love for you to come and visit one of our Kids Konnect preschools by booking a tour. You’ll get to see the facilities, speak to the teachers and ask any questions that you have.