Parents Newsletter

February 2021

Written by Makinya Ward | Feb 1, 2021 1:36:00 PM

The month of February we will be covering The Post Office, Friendship, Presidents, & Fairy Tales. We will be having a Valentines Day Party Feb 12th where the kids will do special crafts and decorate heart cookies. This day will be dress-to-impress! If you can bring valentines for your little one to pass around the class, that would be great! Please talk to Tara about potential donations for the party. 

We will be learning all about the Post Office. We will do some dramatic play running a post office in our class. The students will make and send out their own mail. We will play a package delivery game, a mail sorting game, and talk about community helpers such as postmen & postwomen. 

During the second week of February, we will be talking about friendship. We will talk about friendship, make friendship bracelets, have a pretend tea party, and do some partner yoga. We will be completing a science experiment to make glitter slime with the kids as well. The kids will complete a collage, fingerpaint, & practice sorting.

The 3rd week of February we will be closed for Presidents day. We will focus on past presidents and learn some fun history! We will dramatically play and let each student be the President and make their own class rules. We will do some different art projects such as painting a cherry tree. 

Near the end of the month, we will be talking about Fairytales. We will talk about which fairytale is our favorite and why. We will dress up as fairytale characters. We will be reenacting different fairytales and popular stories they may have heard. Fact vs Fiction will be discussed and we will be measuring Rapunzel’s braid. 

We would like to welcome our new student Sebastian in our preschool! 

Please remember, with the new county enforcement, children 2 and up are now required to wear a mask for the winter cold and flu season & to help stop the spread of Covid-19. We are still putting an emphasis on hand washing upon entering the classroom, before eating, after eating, and after coming back inside from outside time.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Tara. Thank you parents, for everything that you do.