Parents Newsletter

Pacifica Newsletter: July 2021

Written by Makinya Ward | Jul 1, 2021 9:55:00 AM

Happy Sunshine Month! We are so excited for our Summertime activities- enjoying outside
curriculum and the sun! Please make sure that your child arrives with sunscreen already
applied and we will reapply throughout the day.

School News and announcements:

Kids Konnect Preschool Closures for the month of July
o Early Dismissal: July 16th at 12 PM
o Closure: July 5th in observance of Independence Day

Important Dates!

July 1: Canada Day
July 4: Independence Day: School Closure
July 14: Bastille Day
July 16: Kids Konnect Early Dismissal at 12 PM
July 16: Guru Purnima
July 18: Day of Arafat
July 18: Tisha B’Av
July 19: Eid-Al-Adha
July 20: National Moon Day
July 24: Asalha Puja
July 24: National Parents Day
July 26: National Aunts and Uncles Day
July 30: International Day of Friendship

School Event: We will be celebrating the sunshine with a Picnic Day at Kids Konnect on July
30th! The school will be making Lemonade together and will be having a picnic outside to
celebrate Summertime!

Classroom News!

Nemos: In the month of July, the Nemos will be learning about the letters U and V! they’ll be
talking about gardening all month as well as learning about Independence Day! They will be
having more outdoor curriculum such as creating obstacles and learning about nature and

Bumblebees: The bumblebees are excited about July! They’ll be learning about Volcanos,
Watermelons, and x rays and the color yellow! They will talking about the letters v, w, x, and y
as well as working on science experiments and doing more movement and music!

Dolphins: In the month of July! The dolphins are excited lo learn about the letters v, w, x as well
as the numbers 19 and 20! We’ll be celebrating Independence day and doing a volcano
experiment! They’ll also be learning about a watermelon and exploring one as well as bones for
x rays!